2,698 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium effects on charge and energy partitioning after an interaction quench

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    Charge and energy fractionalization are among the most intriguing features of interacting onedimensional fermion systems. In this work we determine how these phenomena are modified in the presence of an interaction quench. Charge and energy are injected into the system suddenly after the quench, by means of tunneling processes with a non-interacting one-dimensional probe. Here, we demonstrate that the system settles to a steady state in which the charge fractionalization ratio is unaffected by the pre-quenched parameters. On the contrary, due to the post-quench nonequilibrium spectral function, the energy partitioning ratio is strongly modified, reaching values larger than one. This is a peculiar feature of the non-equilibrium dynamics of the quench process and it is in sharp contrast with the non-quenched case, where the ratio is bounded by one.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure


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    \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0pt} \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{Illinois..eps} \end{wrapfigure} By exploiting scanning Fabry-P\'{e}rot micro-cavity resonator (SMART) we developed a simple and compact spectrometer capable of resolving the mode structure of an optical frequency comb, with a frequency resolution limited only by the comb tooth linewidth. The SMART approach can be adopted in any spectral window from UV to THz and represents an easy and completely “locking-free” approach to direct-comb spectroscopy, drastically reducing the system complexity when compared to the more conventional methods like the VIPA, dual- comb and Vernier. Furthermore, high-speed/high-sensitivity detection and straightforward absolute calibration of the optical-frequency axis are still granted by the SMART spectrometer, together with an ultimate resolution limited only by the optical linewidth of the frequency comb source adopted for the measurement. We present an application to broadband and high-precision spectroscopy of acetylene at 1.54 μ\mum. Also, by means of an auxiliary 2500-finesse cavity exploited as a sample with narrow- transmission features, we show the ability of the SMART approach to resolve the 400 kHz resonances of the auxiliary cavity, demonstrating a final resolution well below than the 20 MHz linewidth of the transmission-modes of the SMART micro-resonator employed for optical- detection

    Widely-tunable mid-IR frequency comb source based on difference frequency generation

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    We report on a mid-infrared frequency comb source of unprecedented tunability covering the entire 3-10 {\mu}m molecular fingerprint region. The system is based on difference frequency generation in a GaSe crystal pumped by a 151 MHz Yb:fiber frequency comb. The process was seeded with Raman shifted solitons generated in a highly nonlinear suspended-core fiber with the same source. Average powers up to 1.5 mW were achieved at 4.7 {\mu}m wavelength.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Frequency-noise measurements of optical frequency combs by multiple fringe-side discriminator

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    open5noThe frequency noise of an optical frequency comb is routinely measured through the hetherodyne beat of one comb tooth against a stable continuous-wave laser. After frequency-to-voltage conversion, the beatnote is sent to a spectrum analyzer to retrive the power spectral density of the frequency noise. Because narrow-linewidth continuous-wave lasers are available only at certain wavelengths, heterodyning the comb tooth can be challenging. We present a new technique for direct characterization of the frequency noise of an optical frequency comb, requiring no supplementary reference lasers and easily applicable in all spectral regions from the terahertz to the ultraviolet. The technique is based on the combination of a low finesse Fabry-Perot resonator and the so-called "fringe-side locking" method, usually adopted to characterize the spectral purity of single-frequency lasers, here generalized to optical frequency combs. The effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated with an Er-fiber comb source across the wavelength range from 1 to 2 μm.Coluccelli, Nicola; Cassinerio, Marco; Gambetta, Alessio; Laporta, Paolo; Galzerano, GianlucaColuccelli, Nicola; Cassinerio, Marco; Gambetta, Alessio; Laporta, Paolo; Galzerano, Gianluc

    47-fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr:ZnSe laser with high spectral purity

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    We report on a room-temperature Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr:ZnSe femtosecond laser operating at around 2.4 µm emission wavelength. Self-starting nearly transform-limited pulse trains with a minimum duration of 47 fs, corresponding to six optical cycles, and average output power of 0.25 W are obtained with repetition frequencies in the range from 140 to 300 MHz. The femtosecond pulse train is characterized by high-spectral purity and low time jitter

    Broadband Fourier-transform coherent Raman spectroscopy with an ytterbium fiber laser.

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    We demonstrate a Fourier transform (FT) coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy system based on fiber technology with ultra-broad spectral coverage and high-sensitivity. A femtosecond ytterbium fiber oscillator is amplified and spectrally broadened in a photonic crystal fiber to synthesize pulses with energy of 14 nJ at 1040 nm, that are compressed to durations below 20 fs. The resulting pulse train is coupled to a FT-CARS interferometer enabling measurement of high-quality CARS spectra with Raman shifts of ~3000 cm−1 and signal to noise ratio up to 240 and 690 with acetonitrile and polystyrene samples, respectively, for observation times of 160 µs; a detection limit of one part per thousand is demonstrated with a cyanide/water solution. The system has the potential to detect trace contaminants in water as well as other broadband high-sensitivity CARS spectroscopy applications

    250-MHz synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator at 2.25-2.6 {\mu}m and 4.1-4.9 {\mu}m

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    A compact and versatile femtosecond mid-IR source is presented, based on an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) synchronously pumped by a commercial 250-MHz Er:fiber laser. The mid-IR spectrum can be tuned in the range 2.25-2.6 \mu m (signal) and 4.1-4.9 \mu m (idler), with average power from 20 to 60 mW. At 2.5 \mu m a minimum pulse duration of 110 fs and a power of 40 mW have been obtained. Active stabilization of the OPO cavity length has been achieved in the whole tuning range

    Fiber-format dual-comb coherent Raman spectrometer

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    We demonstrate a fiber-format system for dual-comb coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy. The system is based on two ytterbium fiber (Yb) femtosecond lasers at repetition frequencies of 94 MHz, a Yb amplifier, and a photonic crystal fiber for spectral broadening and generation of pulses with a central wavelength of 1040 nm and durations in the sub-20-fs regime. We observed Raman spectra of acetonitrile and ethyl acetate with spectral coverage from 100 to 1300  cm-1, resolution of 8  cm-1, and a signal-to-noise ratio of around 100, when averaging over 10 acquisitions. The design is suitable for implementing portable dual-comb coherent Raman spectrometers

    Quench-induced entanglement and relaxation dynamics in Luttinger liquids

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    We investigate the time evolution towards the asymptotic steady state of a one-dimensional interacting system after a quantum quench. We show that at finite times the latter induces entanglement between right- and left-moving density excitations, encoded in their cross-correlators, which vanishes in the long-time limit. This behavior results in a universal time decay ∝t−2 of the system spectral properties, in addition to nonuniversal power-law contributions typical of Luttinger liquids. Importantly, we argue that the presence of quench-induced entanglement clearly emerges in transport properties, such as charge and energy currents injected in the system from a biased probe and determines their long-time dynamics. In particular, the energy fractionalization phenomenon turns out to be a promising platform to observe the universal power-law decay ∝t−2 induced by entanglement and represents a novel way to study the corresponding relaxation mechanism

    Absolute frequency measurements of CHF3 Doppler-free ro-vibrational transitions at 8.6 μm

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    We report on absolute measurements of saturated-absorption line-center frequencies of room-temperature trifluoromethane using a quantum cascade laser at 8.6 μm and the frequency modulation spectroscopy method. Absolute calibration of the laser frequency is obtained by direct comparison with a mid-infrared optical frequency comb synthesizer referenced to a radio-frequency Rb standard. Several sub-Doppler transitions falling in the v5 vibrational band are investigated at around 1158.9 cm-1 with a fractional frequency precision of 8.6·10-12 at 1-s integration time, limited by the Rb-clock stability. The demonstrated frequency uncertainty of 6.6·10-11 is mainly limited by the reproducibility of the frequency measurements